6th Borough Boutique Review

Simplicity is my go-to when it comes to accessories.

Usually, this means not wearing any jewelry at all because I’m always rushing out the door or just don’t want to have to deal with the hassle.

So, I haven’t regularly worn jewelry since I was a little kid.

Recently, 6th Borough Boutique reminded me of why I used to enjoy wearing necklaces. They add a little extra something to an outfit and can be expressive or even symbolic.

My closet is full of neutral clothing, so pairing with a simple necklace has been the best way to mix it up (and dress it up).

The “K” gold initial necklace is my favorite! It’s slightly slanted + goes with every outfit! Also comes in silver.

Scroll to see images of the necklaces 🙂


Love always,


Disclaimer: 6th Borough Boutique sent me 3 of these necklackes. Post and opinions are always my own!

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