A few things I’m thankful for in 2017 ❤️

  • The opportunity to go to college (at my dream school): As someone who has always been keen to learning and discovery, I can’t imagine myself being any other place than at the University of Washington. I’ve wanted to go to this school + follow in my dad’s footsteps my whole life. The chance to attend college has given me a new depth of understanding to the world and myself. Every week I learn more about topics that spark my interest. Recently, my curiosity  has been piqued by studies around the law & social justice. Mainly, attending college has given me the opportunity to be in a place of higher learning with others who share my interests (and many who don’t) and has led me closer to figuring out which career path is right for me.                                  
  • Kyle: To find your best friend / soulmate in high school is rare, but that’s what happened for me. I’ve been lucky enough to share life with Kyle for the past few years. He’s my other half, life partner, & most importantly my best friend. I like to describe him as being “golden-hearted,” because that sums him up the best. He’s changed my life in so many ways, but mainly he’s changed the course of my future, as we plan our future together. My #1 blessing everyday 🙂

  • Sweet Lilo: If you know me, you know I LOVE dogs. I have the sweetest three-year-old yellow Labrador Retriever, Lilo. She’s crazy, in a good way. Lilo is constantly happy + playful and she always brightens my day with how funny and sometimes mischievous she is. To know Lilo is to love Lilo!

  • New home: I’ve moved twice during the past 6 months, but now I’m finally pretty settled into my new house! Although I dreaded moving, now that I did it I’ve embraced being in a new environment and the opportunities that come with it- like redesigning my room + bathroom, reorganizing my closet, and ridding myself of material belongings which I no longer use. More than anything, I’m glad to have my own space that I know isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, to feel settled again. Plus, needing home decor / supplies is the perfect excuse to make a Target run 😉

What are you thankful for this year?

Happy Thanskgiving + sending lots of love!

Love always,


4 thoughts on “A few things I’m thankful for in 2017 ❤️

  1. Great photos and totally agree with you regards Lilo. Love the yellow/golden Labs, they are so photogenic. I have a two year old Choc lab named Dudley and he is constantly bouncing and always raising the atmosphere when it falls flat. He is also a pretty good source of blog inspiration as you would imaging.

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